Monday, May 9, 2011

Why Doesn't Paul Ryan's Plan Go Into Specifics On Taxes

Paul Ryan's plan specifies he will have 19% of GDP in tax revenue. Currently taxes are in the vicinity of 16.5% of GDP. The wording of Grover Norquist's tax pledge, which most GOP freshmen have signed says they will not raise taxes, and they must match, dollar for dollar, any reduction of tax expenditures with rate reductions. This means that Paul Ryan's tax plan does not actually jive with Norquist's tax pledge.

The other reason is that Ryan would like to avoid saying that if the top rate is coming down so much, a large section of the middle class will see their taxes raised. I'm actually o.k. with this - as the writer at is fond of saying "if it's worth doing, it's worth paying for"- but it seems to me to be deliberately misleading on Ryan's part.

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